Face Recognition

Project Type: Web + Server
Context: Online Course
Date: February 2020

Created a web application to detect faces from an image prompted to the user, as a final project of the Udemy online course "The Complete Web Developer in 2019: Zero to Mastery".

The user is required to paste the link of a picture available online (searched in Google, for example). From the server-side, the web app uses a Face Detection Model provided by Clarifai API to identify the faces in the picture, which are therefore shown in the client-side. The app also has an authentication system, allowing the users to register, log in and log out.

[ For demo purposes, you may use the credentials "test@gmail.com" with pass "test123". If the web app takes some time to load or log you in, please wait some seconds, since the servers will probably be "asleep" by the time. Make sure to use the link of the picture. ]

Technologies: Node.js | Express | PostgreSQL | React | Heroku

Log-in page

Main page (after logging-in)